American Hungarian Federation
... 2007 adopted a resolution proposed by extremist Jan Slota ratifying and confirming the Benes decrees. Those decrees shamefully imposed collective guilt on the Hungarian (and German) population of Czechoslovakia .... The concept of collective guilt is abhorrent to Americans and to anyone committed to the rule of law, human rights and democracy. Rather than affirm the inviolability ...
Megint hamisít a cionista Hírs
... violence will only drag the Israelis into becoming more brutal."
Emad Ali Darweesh is the director of the youth organisation Save Youth Future.
He stresses that Gaza has a young population, with 56% of its 1.5m residents under the age of 18.
But he believes only a small proportion of them are interested in militant activity.
Even Gazans enraged by personal loss...
Üzenet a külföldi médiának
... economically, but socially as well. There is a hatred campaign of which the victims are the honest, Hungarian citizens, who are victims of the terror actions of the under-socialized Gypsy population, who make their living from delinquency at the cost of the majority society. Obviously we cannot make a generalization, however, there is a delinquent presence in the Gypsy population,...
Tina Turner- Ball Of Confusion
... place to live,
Is on an indian reservation,
The band played on.

Eve of destruction, tax deduction,
City inspectors, bill collectors, mod clothes in demand,
Population out of hand, suicide, too many bills,
Hippies moving to the hills,
People all over the world are shouting, "end the war!",
And the band played on.

Great googam...
Tina Turner- Ball Of Confusion
... live,
Is on an Indian reservation,
The band played on.

Eve of destruction, tax deduction,
City inspectors, bill collectors, mod clothes in demand,
Population out of hand, suicide, too many bills,
Hippies moving to the hills,
People all over the world are shouting, "End the war!",
And the band played on.

Great Googam...
WISE Infrared Andromeda

Explanation: This sharp, wide-field view features infrared light from the spiral Andromeda Galaxy (M31). Dust heated by Andromeda's young stars is shown in yellow and red, while its older population of stars appears as a bluish haze. The false-color skyscape is a mosaic of images from NASA...
A gall krematóriumok füstje
... and so we should develop very quickly skills and programmes on the level of the European Commission, to put some substance to the EU platform for social inclusion in terms of the Roma population," he said.

"This is not an issue to be dealt with at the bilateral level between Romania and France. This is clearly a European problem and we should use European skills to grad...
Ez történt - Május 16.-án
... troops of Charles V in his fight against the League of Cognac which consisted of France, England, Pope Clement VII, Venice, and Florence. Although Jews suffered with the rest of the population, their lot would soon worsen under the Counter-Reformation.

1555. május 16. Genfben zendülés tör ki Kálvin teokratikus rémuralma ellen, amelyet a Kálvin-párti városi tanács fegyv...
Magyar Adorján elmélete - 1.
... blond people among the southern, dark-skinned races, these are not the remnants of the Northern race, as many believe, but of the Eastern Baltic people. It is also well-known that the population of Germany barely consists of 7-8 percent Nordics, and their majority is round headed East-Baltics, Alpine and Dinaric races, in other words they are the descendants of the “Finno-Ug...
Magyar Adorján elmélete - 11.
... Turuki people.

Egyptian writings remember a Rotennu people and in Syria they mention a Ruten country.

In Asia Minor's Lydia (country) and Lid nation, the population even today is all Török.

Buildings: The ornamental facade of the church of Aegina, decorated with bull-horns, evolved from ancient idols. The elements of most of the Magyar folk d...
Ez történt - Október 1.-én
... the Terrible) if it did not meet Stalin's approval. His classic films included The General Line, Alexander Nevsky and Ivan the Terrible.

1922 October, ERETZ ISRAEL
Population reached eighty-four thousand.

1922. október 1. Egy banális sza...
Ez történt - Október 28.-án
... to escape to the mountains.

1944: The Germans begin to withdraw into Walcheren.

1944: Orders are given by the Germans and Quisling regime to evacuate the entire population of Finnmark east of Lyngen, and all houses and installations are to be destroyed. More than 10,000 houses are burnt, and 40-45,000 people are forced southwards. About 25,000 manage to hide...
Ez történt - December 6.-án
December 6.
1060. december 6. Székesfehérváron királlyá koronázzák I. Bélát, aki országos gyűlést hív össze a városba. Az összegyűlt tömeg Vata fia János vezetésével az ősi pogány valláshoz való visszatérést követeli, a király azonban katonasággal oszlatja szét a lázongó tömeget. Alig három év múlva a dömösi kúriában Bélára rászakadt a trón és belehalt sérüléseibe. (Isten nyil...
Ez történt - December 22.-én
... 19 - 250,000 troops 75 mi.

1944 December 22, LABOR PARTY (Britain)
Adopted a proposal for the establishment of a Jewish state and the voluntary transfer of the Arab population.

1945: Britain and the U.S.A formally recognize Tito's Yugoslavia.

1945 December 22, EXECUTIVE ORDER (USA)
By President Truman was to give priority to D...
Ez történt - Január 2.-án
... bíróságokon.

1782 January 2, EDICT OF TOLERANCE (Toleranzpatent) (Austria)
Guaranteeing existing rights and obligation of the Jewish population, was enacted by Joseph II of Austria, the son of Maria Theresa. Joseph II was influenced by Wilhelm von Dohn, a friend of Mendelssohn and ...
Ez történt - Január 16.-án
... France, this time for 70 years.

1376 HUNGARY Following persecutions in the wake of the Black Plague, many Jews fled south to Greece, becoming absorbed into the local Sephardic population. The term "Sephardic Jews" originally refered to those Jews who lived in the Iberian peninsula and followed certain customs. After the expulsion of 1492 the Sephardic community spread ...
Ez történt - Március 13. -án
Március 13.

Wrote Contra Judaeous, which blamed the harsh conditions of the Jews on their rejection of Jesus.

702 DAHRA (Dahiya) AL KAHINA (Southeast Algeria)
Jewish "priestess". She led an alliance of Berber tribes which was defeated by Moslem forces. She was said to have lived 127 years and ruled with her 3 sons over the t...
Ez történt - Április 24.-én
Fifteen Jews serving on the battleship the USS Maine were killed when it sank. Five thousand Jews served in the American Army, a ratio of 20% more than the general population including 30 army and 20 naval officers. The first person of Colonel Roosevelt's Rough Riders to reach the top of San Juan Hill was also a Jew - Irving Peixotto and the first to be killed wa...
Ez történt - Május 7.-én
... be Yiddish. Within two years the government had a change of heart and its Jewish socialist leaders were liquidated. Partly due to its primitiveness and remoteness, it never reached a population of more than 18,000, less than a quarter of the total population of the region.

1940: British PM Neville Chamberlain resigns.

1940: All Dutch Army leave suspended....
Ez történt - Május10.-én
... (Eretz Israel)
After a difficult battle with house to house fighting, and the use of the Davidka, the Palmach succeeded in taking the city and the Metzudah ("fortress"). The Arab population fled. This enabled the Jewish Forces to take control of a continuous area in eastern and Upper Galilee.

1996. május 10. ,,Napjainkban az antiszemitizmus egyre tágabb meghatáro...
1 2 3 
Címkék: American Hungarian Federation, Tina Turner- Ball Of Confusion, WISE Infrared Andromeda, Magyar Adorján, Emad Ali Darweesh, Save Youth Future, Even Gazans, Great Googam, Andromeda Galaxy, European Commission, Charles, Pope Clement VII, Although Jews, Eastern Baltic, Asia Minor&#8217, General Line, Alexander Nevsky, ERETZ ISRAEL, LABOR PARTY, EXECUTIVE ORDER, President Truman, EDICT OF TOLERANCE, Joseph II, Maria Theresa, HUNGARY Following, Black Plague, Sephardic Jews, HIPPOLYTUS OF ROME, Wrote Contra Judaeous, Southeast Algeria, Fifteen Jews, American Army, Colonel Roosevelt, Rough Riders, Juan Hill, Irving Peixotto, British PM Neville Chamberlain, Dutch Army, Eretz Israel, Jewish Forces, Upper Galilee, cionista Hírs, külföldi médiának, gall krematóriumok, resolution proposed, young population, small proportion, hatred campaign, delinquent presence, bluish haze, összegyűlt tömeg, király azonban, lázongó tömeget, dömösi kúriában, formally recognize, difficult battle, continuous area, antiszemitizmus egyre,
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